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January 08, 2019 1 min read



Spread some holiday joy with these recipes for delightfully cute reindeer, Santas and wreaths.

Create family time with these children-friendly recipes that are quick and easy to make and are just the sweetest things ever!




Spread the Joy!

A Rada Cutlery Party Spreader next to some Christmas tree cookies with colored ornament candies on top of white parchment paper

Rada Cutlery Party Spreader

Need a stocking stuffer for a baker on your holiday gift list? This stainless steel spreader features a 3 3/8’s-inch blade designed specifically for spreading.

It’s perfect for cheeseballs, cracker spreads, dips, frosting, jams, yogurt, or any food that you might want to distribute to another.

The blade features a sturdy, non-flexing face for easy spreading, while its small serrations making cutting through harder spreads and various other foods a snap.

Click Here to see how to make Christmas Tree Brownies



"The size of this tool is perfect. I work at a university & an industrial design professor I know says the best tools are those that feel comfortable - almost feel as though they become "part" of your hand as you work.

The party spreader is sturdy enough for both stiffer spreads like peanut butter, cream cheese, certain cheeses - but softer jams, mustard, mayo, pesto and etc as well."

- Janet - Verified Buyer 01/21/18



Santa Claus holding his Naughty or Nice list with a red stocking cap and his red suit

Rada Cutlery Stocking
Stuffer Ideas

